The Shanghai motor show opened its doors to the public recently, showing an immense array of new vehicles. While the...
Klaus Busse is head of design for Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Fiat, Abarth, Lancia. In this episode of FORMCAST, we catch...
Maximilian Missoni has been head of design for Polestar Cars since 2018. After joining Volvo Cars 2012 and subsequently being...
The F-150 has been the best-selling vehicle in Ford’s lineup for the past 43 years. In this episode of FORMCAST,...
The all-new Ford Bronco set the Internet on fire when it was revealed. Eric Gallina speaks with Bronco chief designer...
Pierre Leclercq is Citroen’s Head of Design. He’s worked in Italy, California, Germany, China, and Korea before returning to France...